Circuits & Code Fall 2024
Hello there!
Are you interested in electronics? Do you want to meet cool people in ECE? Are you looking for inspiration for your next project?
Then Circuits & Code is the place for you !!
This Saturday 7th December 2024 from 11:30AM to 1:30PM at M5 (lower end of Marcus Hall) be there or be triangle
Come hang out with the coolest people in ECE (M5 Staff and ECE professors) and find out about all the things going on in the department. And if thats not enough for you, there will be cookies
Be sure to register so that you can claim your super fun door prize!
The M5 is powered by an undisclosed alchemy of microelectronics, AI and real people:::
6502 Adi. Aidan. Alden. Alex. Prof. Anderson. Baird. Ms. Bernard. Bob. ChatGPT. Chris. Cobie.
Connor. Fiona. Prof. Gummeson. Prof. Hollot. Jared. Jonah. Josh. Karen. Kavya.
Keith. KIM-1. Otto. Ms. Pettengill. Philip. Priyanka. Q. Sid. Prof. Tessier.
Tobe. Tony. and, of course, Wouter.