ECE297DP Saturday Sounds!
Let's make noise!
The effects boxes haven't arrived yet, but we aren't letting that stop us. We're exploring Pure Data (Pd), a graphical programming language particularly well suited to synthesizing, playing, modifying, and generally honking around with audio. The concepts from Pd will largely transfer to the programming of the effects boxes.
So come down and play! We have some open seats on Saturday afternoons, 2:30 - 4:30, in Euler's Good Room. Bring your laptop.
Here are some important links:
Download Pure Data (Pd)
Pure Data tutorials - cheetomoskeeto
Pure Data cheat sheet
Chuck's Github work on the OpenEffects box
Chuck's PureData patches for this class, including (in externals) the output~ abstraction
The OpenEffects Project - from whence our open effects boxes will come
The boxes are powered by Teensy microcontrollers from Paul Stoffregen
... and use the same chip found on the Teensy Audio Shield
The Teensy audio effects are programmed graphically using a web tool
Other interesting links:
Onyx Ashanti - beatjazz performer with self-built audio processing
Gordon Reid's Synth Secrets
It looks like the audio effects boxes will be delayed in arriving, so I've ordered some Teensy Audio Boards to use in the meantime. They should be here by the time we have our next meeting (which, you should know, will be September 30)